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連續 24 年名列《美國新聞與世界報導》全美最佳大學榜單;《華盛頓月刊》評為頂尖全國性大學和最佳性價比大學。

全球前 5% 商學院

西密西根大學哈沃斯商學院是美國最大的商學院之一;2019 年 《Corporate Knights》評為全球最佳商學院第 67 名。


世界最具影響力的供應鏈專家組成的跨產業學習組織票選調查,獲得全球大學排行第 2 名,優於麻省理工學院、哈佛大學等。

Western Michigan University

Western Michigan University (WMU for short) is a public comprehensive university. Located in Kalamazoo, Michigan, it is strategically located between Chicago and Detroit. WMU was founded in 1903 and has five campuses. (West Campus, East Campus, Oakland Drive Campus, Parkview Campus, Battle Creek College of Aviation main Campus-West Campus.)

“U.S. News and World Report” has ranked the nation’s best universities and the nation’s top universities for 24 consecutive years, and “Washington Monthly” has rated it as a top national university and the best cost-effective university.

The campus has first-class modern facilities, a world-class aviation academy, the youngest medical school in the United States and a public service clinic, an engineering campus adjacent to the business technology and research park, famous art venues and a well-equipped student activity center. Western Michigan University has the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Aviation, the Haworth School of Business, the College of Education, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the College of Fine Arts, the College of Health and Human Services, the School of Medicine, the School of Law, and the Graduate School.

Haworth College of Business

The Haworth College of Business at Western Michigan University originated in 1949 and has transformed from an original business research unit into one of the largest business schools in the United States. Haworth Business School is named after alumnus GW Haworth, who founded the family-owned Haworth Company in 1948 and is now one of the world’s three largest office furniture manufacturers. In the 1980s, GW Haworth Capital sponsored the construction of a new business school building with modern facilities, and the Western Michigan University Business School was renamed the Haworth School of Business. In 1991, the college moved to its current building, Schneider Hall, named for founding dean Arnold Schneider.

The Haworth School of Business at Western Michigan University is one of the largest business schools in the United States, the academic home of more than 3,500 undergraduate students in 18 professional areas. There are also 500 graduate students studying business management and accounting. Haworth Business School is one of the top 5% elite universities in the world among business schools and is accredited by AACSB International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Its accreditation scope includes university departments and research institutes. This honor is obtained by only 1% of business schools in the world. Especially for students who graduate from professional accounting courses recognized by AACSB, their professional abilities are favored by employers around the world.

U.S.News & World Report
連續 27 年美國最好的公立大學
連續 14 年全美頂級公立大學前 100 強

Time Magazine
2024年 全球最佳商學院 第 79名

The Princeton Review
2021 年 最佳商學院 第 76 名

Washington Monthly

美國最佳教育學院 TOP 11%

Carnegie Foundation
最佳 139 所研究型大學

美國供應鏈本科大學排名前 5 強


Global Innovation MBA(GIMBA)

美國西密西根大學與來自世界各地的機構成為合作夥伴,並將優質的課程帶給全世界的學生已經有悠久的歷史。2018 年,中碩知識管理國際教育中心(CSKM)與美國校本部簽署合作協議,為學校在臺灣的正式課程推動及代表單位,並開辦「全球創新管理碩士學位課程(WMU GIMBA Program)」,為臺灣學生提供世界頂尖的 GIMBA 課程。

GIMBA 課程透過整合、技能的學習使學生能夠學習到當今職場必備的商業知識,並教導學生們如何應用所學來做出睿智及重要的決策。這個高含金量及富有挑戰性的課程將會帶領學生分析當代環境的 Case Study 並探討最新的商業研究。除此之外,這個課程特別針對臺灣的企業和產業環境發展的需求來設計和定制。同時也有參照學術名師及各行業的領導者。

西密西根大學的哈沃斯商學院也獲得了 AACSB 的認證,這意味著該學院在高等教育商學院的質量和表現方面一直保持著最高標準。同時也得到了美國高等教育委員會的批准和認可。



學程優勢:實務課程 + 全球經驗 = Global Innovation MBA

頂尖北美師資1/2 課程美國校本部實務教授講授;1/2 課程由臺灣國立中正大學及國內權威教授講授。
短期修得美國碩士15 - 24 個月短期修讀。
頂尖北美師資1/2 課程美國校本部實務教授講授;1/2 課程由臺灣國立中正大學及國內權威教授講授。
短期修得美國碩士15 - 24 個月短期修讀。

WMU 哈沃斯商學院擁有強大而成功的校友網絡,包括分布 90 多個國家、所有領域的商業領袖,為企業提供創新和富有遠見的領導力。WMU 的 GIMBA 課程是透過提供卓越和與時俱進的商業教育,為您的學位增加價值,並提供優秀的商業研究課程,進而增加職業發展的機會。

Doctor Sandi Lucie諾斯伍德集團 顧問委員會主席
Kathryn(Katy)FinkStryker Corp. 副總裁、首席人力資源官
Mike GerfenVector Markup Language 執行董事
Ron HarbourOliver Wyman 合作夥伴
Ann M. HartenHaworth Inc. 全球人力資源副總裁
Carrie Jones-BarberDawn Foods Inc. 首席執行官
James Keppler惠而浦副總裁
Tony McKinneyStryker Corporation 副總裁兼助理財務官
Nancy OwensGeneral Motors 副總裁
James Barnum舊國家銀行商業銀行 高級副總裁
John BollGA 理查茲集團 首席執行官
Robert DeGroot國富浩華律師事務所 合夥人兼註冊會計師
Joseph HemkerHoward 和 Howard Attys PC 顧問律師
Jim Koessel密西根湖信用社 高級副總裁兼高級銀行總監
Michael LewisBMO Harris Bank 執行副總裁
Matthew MaceBlue Granite Inc. 總裁兼首席執行官
Kenneth MillerMillennium Restaurant Group LLC 總裁兼首席執行官
Julie Phillips密西根州第 8 區法院法官
Angela Davis Robinson芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行 高級副總裁
Jeff RossJeff K. Ross Financial Services 的負責人兼創始人
JoséSantamariaHorizon Bank 副總裁
Shawn Toldo微軟 全國合作夥伴銷售總監
Dan BruceJWT 芝加哥高級合夥人兼集團創意總監
Jim CupperMcCrosky Marketing 高級品牌策略師
Donn DitzhazyRMD Advertising 執行合夥人
Jennifer FisherStarcom MediaVest 人力資源副總監
Greg GerfenDoner Company 執行副總裁
Ryan GhiardiCars.com 客戶戰略經理
David HaanCreative Circus 執行董事
Jeff KeloskyTAPAD 銷售高級總監
Doctor Sandi Lucie諾斯伍德集團 顧問委員會主席
Kathryn(Katy)FinkStryker Corp. 副總裁、首席人力資源官
Mike GerfenVector Markup Language 執行董事
Ron HarbourOliver Wyman 合作夥伴
Ann M. HartenHaworth Inc. 全球人力資源副總裁
Carrie Jones-BarberDawn Foods Inc. 首席執行官
James Keppler惠而浦副總裁
Tony McKinneyStryker Corporation 副總裁兼助理財務官
Nancy OwensGeneral Motors 副總裁
James Barnum舊國家銀行商業銀行 高級副總裁
John BollGA 理查茲集團 首席執行官
Robert DeGroot國富浩華律師事務所 合夥人兼註冊會計師
Joseph HemkerHoward 和 Howard Attys PC 顧問律師
Jim Koessel密西根湖信用社 高級副總裁兼高級銀行總監
Michael LewisBMO Harris Bank 執行副總裁
Matthew MaceBlue Granite Inc. 總裁兼首席執行官
Kenneth MillerMillennium Restaurant Group LLC 總裁兼首席執行官
Julie Phillips密西根州第 8 區法院法官
Angela Davis Robinson芝加哥聯邦儲備銀行 高級副總裁
Jeff RossJeff K. Ross Financial Services 的負責人兼創始人
JoséSantamariaHorizon Bank 副總裁
Shawn Toldo微軟 全國合作夥伴銷售總監
Dan BruceJWT 芝加哥高級合夥人兼集團創意總監
Jim CupperMcCrosky Marketing 高級品牌策略師
Donn DitzhazyRMD Advertising 執行合夥人
Jennifer FisherStarcom MediaVest 人力資源副總監
Greg GerfenDoner Company 執行副總裁
Ryan GhiardiCars.com 客戶戰略經理
David HaanCreative Circus 執行董事
Jeff KeloskyTAPAD 銷售高級總監
Georgienne Kirsten松下汽車 系統高級行銷分析師
Only仁寶電腦 品管課高階工程師
Claire國巨股份有限公司 台灣銷售部銷售經理
Nicole穆迪基金 高層法務
Ben神達電腦 銷售經理
Teressa立訊精密有限公司 專案經理
Andrea旺宏電子 產品經理
Pauline馥茂豬肉食品加工廠 採購經理
Sandy安盟生技股份有限公司 專案經理
Carol熊瑩股份有限公司 創業家
Eric億看有限公司 經理
Carrie戴爾 資深專案經理
Tina畫日休閒事業有限公司 營運經理
Helen國泰航空有限公司 頭等艙事務長
Sharon灃康人力資源股份有限公司 總經理
Randy東元電機 專案經理
Joyce中國人壽保險股份有限公司 資深業務經理
Robert台橡股份有限公司 項目管理辦公室負責人
Mori台灣蒙地拿股份有限公司 銷售經理
Michelle蘋果 全球採購經理
Rainey英科智能 業務開發行銷經理
Keren自由媒體業 媒體總監
Monika研華股份有限公司 智能醫療產品經理
Bowen伯森生物科技股份有限公司 產品經理
Christy宏碁/華碩 業務經理
Artor財團法人台北市自由空間教育基金會 副首席執行官
Jessie艾昆緯 臨床研究專案經理
Nina集創北方 高級海外銷售經理
Leo艾司摩爾科技股份有限公司 部門經理
Aaron奇裕集團 銷售主管
Hertz台光電子材料股份有限公司 行銷中心半島體材料專案處長
Vivian微星科技 科長
Lily昱暢股份有限公司 創辦人
Gary皇鎰實業股份有限公司 生產經理
Jessica新加坡商頗爾股份有限公司 客戶經理
Mandy3M 公司 客戶經理
Chiao四維創新材料股份有限公司 行銷總監
Georgienne Kirsten松下汽車 系統高級行銷分析師
Only仁寶電腦 品管課高階工程師
Claire國巨股份有限公司 台灣銷售部銷售經理
Nicole穆迪基金 高層法務
Ben神達電腦 銷售經理
Teressa立訊精密有限公司 專案經理
Andrea旺宏電子 產品經理
Pauline馥茂豬肉食品加工廠 採購經理
Sandy安盟生技股份有限公司 專案經理
Carol熊瑩股份有限公司 創業家
Eric億看有限公司 經理
Carrie戴爾 資深專案經理
Tina畫日休閒事業有限公司 營運經理
Helen國泰航空有限公司 頭等艙事務長
Sharon灃康人力資源股份有限公司 總經理
Randy東元電機 專案經理
Joyce中國人壽保險股份有限公司 資深業務經理
Robert台橡股份有限公司 項目管理辦公室負責人
Mori台灣蒙地拿股份有限公司 銷售經理
Michelle蘋果 全球採購經理
Rainey英科智能 業務開發行銷經理
Keren自由媒體業 媒體總監
Monika研華股份有限公司 智能醫療產品經理
Bowen伯森生物科技股份有限公司 產品經理
Christy宏碁/華碩 業務經理
Artor財團法人台北市自由空間教育基金會 副首席執行官
Jessie艾昆緯 臨床研究專案經理
Nina集創北方 高級海外銷售經理
Leo艾司摩爾科技股份有限公司 部門經理
Aaron奇裕集團 銷售主管
Hertz台光電子材料股份有限公司 行銷中心半島體材料專案處長
Vivian微星科技 科長
Lily昱暢股份有限公司 創辦人
Gary皇鎰實業股份有限公司 生產經理
Jessica新加坡商頗爾股份有限公司 客戶經理
Mandy3M 公司 客戶經理
Chiao四維創新材料股份有限公司 行銷總監

Western Michigan University – GIMBA 學程總科目
全部學程為 4 門先修課程 + 12 門必選修科目。

Course NoCourse Title
Professional Foundation
ACTY 6010會計學
ECON 6010基礎經濟分析
Basic Economic Analysis
FIN 6020企業財金學
Corporate Finance
Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel
Innovation Management
CIS 6500可視分析學
Visual Analytics
MBA 6003管理決策之數據分析
Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6006行銷管理決策
Marketing for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6010流程管理策略
Process Management Strategy
Management Strategy
MBA 6001簡報, 談判與溝通技巧
Presentation, Negotiation and Communication
MBA 6007策略管理
Strategic Management
MBA 6011商事法與道德倫理
Business Law and Ethics
MBA 6013貿易與全球商業策略
Trade and Global Business Strategy
Management Tools
MBA 6002組織管理與領導
Leadership for Managers
MBA 6004財務管理決策
Finance for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6005會計管理決策
Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6022當代商業議題
Current Issues in Business
Course NoCourse Title
Professional Foundation
ACTY 6010會計學
ECON 6010基礎經濟分析
Basic Economic Analysis
FIN 6020企業財金學
Corporate Finance
Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel
Innovation Management
CIS 6500可視分析學
Visual Analytics
MBA 6003管理決策之數據分析
Data Analytics for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6006行銷管理決策
Marketing for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6010流程管理策略
Process Management Strategy
Management Strategy
MBA 6001簡報, 談判與溝通技巧
Presentation, Negotiation and Communication
MBA 6007策略管理
Strategic Management
MBA 6011商事法與道德倫理
Business Law and Ethics
MBA 6013貿易與全球商業策略
Trade and Global Business Strategy
Management Tools
MBA 6002組織管理與領導
Leadership for Managers
MBA 6004財務管理決策
Finance for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6005會計管理決策
Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
MBA 6022當代商業議題
Current Issues in Business


申請費:$18,500 NTD

── WMU GIMBA 台灣招生辦事處

WMU GIMBA 台灣招生辦事處
台北市中正區重慶南路一段 121 號 3 樓
台北市中正區許昌街 17 號 10 樓之 2(壽德大樓)


35 人滿班即不再錄取。


  1. 有興趣運用領先技術或職業發展的業界人士
  2. 大學畢業(含)以上學歷者
  3. 經理人、中(高)階主管
  4. 具三年以上工作經驗者(管理者優先考慮)
  5. 工作經驗滿7年,可免GMAT


         1. 名片 2 張
        2. 兩吋彩色照片 3 張
        3. 護照影本 1 份
        4. 英文工作履歷 1 份
        5. 制式入學申請表格 1 份
        6. 英文畢業證書及成績單正本
        7. 讀書計畫 1 份
        8. GMAT成績單( 工作經驗滿七年以上可抵免 )
        9. 制式推薦信 2 份
        10.申請費 $18,500 NTD
        ( 若申請未獲通過,僅收取$6,000 NTD行政手續服務費,其餘全額退還 )
        ※ 申請期間通過WMU全英語線上口試,可角逐榮譽獎學金。







WMU 校本部網址:https://www.wmich.edu/
WMU GIMBA 台灣招生辦事處
地址:台北市中正區重慶南路一段 121 號 3 樓。

Dr. Kelley O'Reilly

Associate Professor of Marketing, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Philosophy, Utah State University
Expertise:Marketing Management, International Marketing

Dr. Laurel F. Ofstein

Associate Professor of Management, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship), University of Illinois at Chicago
Expertise:Business Venturing,CorporateVentures & Management

Dr. Timothy Palmer

Professor of Management & Director of the Center of Sustainable-Business Practices, Haworth College of Business PhD in Business, Arizona State University
Expertise:Ethics and Sustainability, Strategic Management

Dr. Jennifer Palthe

Professor of Management, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Human Resource Management, Michigan State University
Expertise:Leading People & Organizations, International HumanResource Management

Dr. Kuanchin (KC) Chen

Professor of Business Information Systems
PhD in Information Systems, Cleveland State University
Expertise:Business Analytics, Information Management

Dr. Ann Veeck

Professor of Marketing, Haworth College of Business PhD in Marketing, Louisiana State University
Expertise:Marketing Management, International Marketing

Dr. James Eckert(Jim)

Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in Michigan State University
Expertise:Business-to-business relationships, Adaptive selling

Dr. Decker Hains

Chair and Master Faculty Specialist
Ph.D in Lehigh University
Expertise:Leadership, Management Science

Dr. Marcel Zondag

Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in University of Tennessee
Expertise:Sales and marketing management for the food and consumer package goods industry

Dr. Steve Newell

Associate Dean of Operations and Graduate Programs and Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in Florida State University
Expertise:Advertising and promotion, Professional selling, Sales management, Marketing management and principles

Dr. Eldon

Ph.D. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, U.S.A.
M.S.B.A., Texas Tech University, Lubbock, U.S.A.

Dr. Jack

Ph.D. Sociology, University of Essex, UK
M.S. Sociological Method, University of Essex, UK
Expertise:Sociology of Law、Criminology

Dr. Edward

Ph.D. Industrial and Management Engineering University of Iowa, U.S.A.
M.S. Industrial and Management Engineering University of Iowa, U.S.A.
Expertise:Project Management、Business Research Methods、Supply Chain Management、Operations Management、Consulting and Communication Skills、Business Forecasting、Management Science(Operations Research)

Dr. Frances

Ph.D. Business and Management, National Chiao Tung University
M.S. Accounting, University of Southern California
Expertise:Earnings Management、Financial Accounting、Information Management & Auditing、Computer Auditing、Accounting Quality Management、Accounting Information Systems and Financial Management

Dr. Katie

Ph.D. in Accounting, Department of Commerce, National Chengchi University
Expertise:Financial Accounting、Accounting Information System

Dr. Kelley O'Reilly

Associate Professor of Marketing, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Philosophy, Utah State University
Expertise:Marketing Management, International Marketing

Dr. Laurel F. Ofstein

Associate Professor of Management, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship), University of Illinois at Chicago
Expertise:Business Venturing,CorporateVentures & Management

Dr. Timothy Palmer

Professor of Management & Director of the Center of Sustainable-Business Practices, Haworth College of Business PhD in Business, Arizona State University
Expertise:Ethics and Sustainability, Strategic Management

Dr. Jennifer Palthe

Professor of Management, Haworth College of Business
PhD in Human Resource Management, Michigan State University
Expertise:Leading People & Organizations, International HumanResource Management

Dr. Kuanchin (KC) Chen

Professor of Business Information Systems
PhD in Information Systems, Cleveland State University
Expertise:Business Analytics, Information Management

Dr. Ann Veeck

Professor of Marketing, Haworth College of Business PhD in Marketing, Louisiana State University
Expertise:Marketing Management, International Marketing

Dr. James Eckert(Jim)

Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in Michigan State University
Expertise:Business-to-business relationships, Adaptive selling

Dr. Decker Hains

Chair and Master Faculty Specialist
Ph.D in Lehigh University
Expertise:Leadership, Management Science

Dr. Marcel Zondag

Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in University of Tennessee
Expertise:Sales and marketing management for the food and consumer package goods industry

Dr. Steve Newell

Associate Dean of Operations and Graduate Programs and Professor of Marketing
Ph.D in Florida State University
Expertise:Advertising and promotion, Professional selling, Sales management, Marketing management and principles

Dr. Eldon Y. Li

Ph.D. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, U.S.A.
M.S.B.A., Texas Tech University, Lubbock, U.S.A.

Dr. Jack Hsu

Ph.D. Sociology, University of Essex, UK
M.S. Sociological Method, University of Essex, UK
Expertise:Sociology of Law、Criminology

Dr. Edward Lin

Ph.D. Industrial and Management Engineering University of Iowa, U.S.A.
M.S. Industrial and Management Engineering University of Iowa, U.S.A.
B.S. Industrial Engineering, Tunghai University, Taiwan
Expertise:Project Management、Business Research Methods、Supply Chain Management、Operations Management、 Consulting and Communication Skills、Business Forecasting、Management Science(Operations Research)

Dr. Frances Lin

Ph.D. Business and Management, National Chiao Tung University
M.S. Accounting, University of Southern California
Expertise:Earnings Management、Financial Accounting、Information Management & Auditing、Computer Auditing、 Accounting Quality Management、Accounting Information Systems and Financial Management

Dr. Katie Nien

Ph.D. in Accounting, Department of Commerce, National Chengchi University M.S. in Accounting, Yuan Ze University, Collage of Management
Expertise:Financial Accounting、Accounting Information System


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